This software uses the Biot-Savart equation (under a piecewise linear approximation) to compute the magnetic field around wire electromagnets of arbitrary three-dimensional geometry. It's also CUDA-accelerated. :)
An extremely simple look into the position wavefunction of the lone electron of a hydrogen atom, in screensaver form. I needed to procrastinate during the time leading up to my graduate student original oral proposal, so I wrote this.
Now-orphaned software that tracks however many gmail inboxes you have and lets you know when new mail arrives. When I originally wrote the software, no other notifier existed for the Gnome desktop that was up to par. Now my package has slipped far under par too!
A long time ago - was it high school? - I wrote a small C program to render Bezier curves based on their control points to PostScript files. It was my first play with linked lists, too. Yep, an oldie.
When I moved from Slackware to Linux From Scratch (a long, long time ago) I decided to re-envision the slackpkg tools for my purposes. The pkg scripts were the 'fruits' of my labor.